Arini Arini

© maani ventures

Primary and Middle Years Program Extension Building 2019

for Al Mashrek International School

Design by Arini
Construction by Maani Ventures

© maani ventures

© maani ventures

Arini designed flexible learning spaces to promote a sense of wellbeing and creativity.

The interactive open-plan design supports the MYP teaching methods conceived the multifunctional spaces/classrooms that allow pupils to decide what to learn, how to learn, and who to learn with. 


Sensory Space

Music Room


© maani ventures

Several elements are spread across different levels with various steps and sloping surfaces that all together form a miniature landscape for children to explore during lessons.

© maani ventures

© maani ventures

Several elements are spread across different levels with various steps and sloping surfaces that all together form a miniature landscape for children to explore during lessons.

Arini | 9 Albadee’ St. Amman, Jordan
P.O. BOX 753 Amman 11831 Jordan

Arini 2025©